Frog Bucket Hat

I promised my daughter that she could help me make a frog bucket hat in her third-grade science class. I was excited to get the project underway, but I soon realized that the frog bucket hat was not going to be easy. We would need to cut out many small pieces of felt and sew them together, then hand-sew yarn around the brim. Finally, we needed to use hot glue to attach the eyes, nose and mouth on one side of the hat before sewing it shut on the other end. Despite this process is much more involved than I had anticipated, it was a lot of fun making my daughter’s frog bucket hat with her. So, What is Frog Bucket Hat?

What is a frog bucket hat?

A frog bucket hat is a hat made out of felt with yarn tied around the brim. The yarn makes the felt look like a frog’s eyes, nose and mouth.

How to make a frog bucket hat?

First, you will need to cut out many small pieces of felt and sew them together. You’ll need two colours for the hat, one for the body and one for the head, as well as some green, felt.

Once you have all of your pieces cut out, it’s time to begin sewing them together with a sewing machine. Take a piece of yarn and hand-sew it around the brim of the hat.

Next, use hot glue to attach the eyes, nose and mouth on one side of the hat before sewing it shut on the other end.

Why do you need a frog bucket hat?

I needed a frog bucket hat because I wanted to make my daughter’s science project with her. That way, she could learn how to sew, use the hot glue gun and enjoy the process of making something.

Before you start to make your frog bucket hat, some materials you will need

You will need a variety of materials to make your frog bucket hat. Some of these include:

• Felt

• Scissors

• Sewing machine

• Thread

• Yarn

• Hot glue gun

• A pin cushion or a safety pin

Cutting out the pieces for your hat

First, you need to cut out the pieces for your hat. You will need to cut about 8-9 inches of felt for the top, about 4-5 inches for the bottom, and about 1.5-2 inches in height. If you are making a child’s hat, you may also want to cut 2-3 larger pieces of felt for the sides.

Next, you need to use hot glue to attach a piece of yarn on one side of the hat so that it can be sewn shut later. There should be enough length of yarn left on each side after this step so that there are two knots at either end of the brim when it is turned right-side out.

Finally, sew the felt together with hand stitches. Make sure that there is a small opening or slit where the yarn on one side goes through the other side before sewing up both sides to make sure that it is easier to turn it right-side-out.

Sewing the brim of your hat together

First, we would need to cut out many small pieces of felt and sew them together. I used a fabric marker to outline the pattern of my hat on some felt and then cut it out. I had to make sure that the felt pieces were about 1/4-inch thick before sewing them together. After sewing all the layers together, I had one long strip of felt with a slightly curved shape in the centre.

I sewed yarn around the brim of my hat and hand-sew yarn along the bottom edge of the brim. I made sure to leave plenty of room for my daughter to add her crochet hook inside the hat so she could do a row of sc stitches on top of each other, making frog eyes. The final step was hot glueing eyes, nose and mouth onto one side of my hat before laying down this piece on top of another piece and sewing shut from one end.

The first step in making our frog bucket hat was cutting out as many small pieces from felt as we needed to sew it all together into a long strip with straight edges in the centre. We then used hot glue to attach an eye onto one side, a nose on the other side and a mouth in between those two pieces.

Making the mouth and eyes of your frog bucket hat

First, cut out a small piece of felt. The size of the felt piece will depend on the size of your head. You should also decide if you want to make a single frog hat or two frogs sitting on top of each other.

Next, sew around the edges with a wide zig-zag stitch to make a tube for the felt to fit around your child’s head.

Now you need to attach the mouth and eyes. Use hot-glue to attach the eyes in one half of the hat and use yarn to sew them shut on the other side before attaching it to the brim.

Make sure not to put too much hot glue on the eye by spreading it all over your finger before pressing it against your felt. Otherwise, you will have no choice but to fish out your frog from its Bucket Hat Store and start again!

Attaching yarn around the brim of the hat before sewing it shut

The process of attaching yarn around the brim of the hat before sewing it shut is not difficult, but it does require a bit of patience. First, you need to make sure that your felt is cut out in the shape of a circle. Next, you need to fold your felt in half so that it has a crease at one side.

Then, with the felt inside out and facing up, place a small ball of yarn on top of the crease. Place one hand on top of the ball and start wrapping thread around the ball until you reach about three-quarters of an inch from the other edge.

Now thread another piece of string through both loops on either side of the first string. Repeat this process by placing another piece of string through both loops on either side again and continuing until you have four strings running from one end to the other.

Finally, take one more piece of string and tie together all four threads. This will give you a loop at each end that can be used to secure the hat in order to sew shut later. Be sure to leave enough slack in your strings so that they are still flexible when sewn shut later

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